Jamal Qaddumi
An-Najah National University, Palestine
Title: The University Third Mission as a Model to Enhance the Integration of Adult Health Theory Courses with the Clinical Settings
Biography: Jamal Qaddumi
Integration of theory in the clinical setting is an important part in clinical learning process and need a positive complementary relationship. But, unfortunately, lots of studies revealed a gap between the theory and practice that create obstacles to the learning process at clinical settings. Theory-clinical gap can be considered as a big issue in nursing education and can affect the nursing outcomes. We utilize a model inspired from the university third mission as a means to enhance the integration of adult health nursing courses with clinical setting Phase one: A descriptive cross-sectional design was used to explore the factors that affect theory-practice integration. A questionnaire with 41 agree or disagree response items filled by participants. The sample size is 369 nursing students and 12 clinical instructor. Open ended questions used to explore the perceived barriers and facilitators that can affect theory clinical integration. Phase two: includes the utilization of the university third mission model as a means to enhance the integration. Phase three: evaluate the effectiveness of applying the model inspired from university third mission. Assessment will be based on the main three dimensions of the university third mission (continuing education, technology and innovation, and social engagement).